

I have a job.
I work at a lovely little place called Mozy. 
We do computer backups. 

Basically, you call us to secure the information on your computer. So when it crashes, or you throw it at a wall, we can restore everything you lost. 
Pretty neat stuff. 

And basically what I do is, when your credit card is canceled or expires, I call and e-mail you until you update it. 
It's a glamorous job to be sure. 

-My boss is pretty relaxed, and so is everyone else. 
-I get paid 12 bucks an hour, not too shabby.
- I get paid once a week.
- I've got a sweet badge with my picture on it to get me in the building.
-I get my own cubicle, Career dream accomplished!
- I get some almost cool free stuff, or as my boss calls it, "swag"

For example...

My Mozy mug, and my slightly inappropriate company T-shirt. 

-Sometimes people don't want to give me their money, so they aren't super nice. 
-I have to wake up at 6 every stinkin' morning, which I am beginning to think may be the reality of the rest of my life... 
Did you guys know it's pitch black, and freezing at 6 AM?? 
I didn't. 

All the fall temperature drop means to me, is when I leave work at noon, I don't look completely ridiculous in the UGGS and scarf that seemed perfectly appropriate when I woke up that morning. 
The people who work the the afternoon shift, walking in with sandals and shorts on, look at me funny as I walk out into the now 80 degree sunlight bundled like I still live in Logan. 

Freezing cold and tired, I still consider myself lucky to have a good job.


  1. Your job does sound like a good job! I don't think I could ever wake up at 6 am... I would always be late. lol
