
once a bride, and always a bridesmaid

I am at the point in my life where my part time job is basically being a bridesmaid.
Especially in the summer.
But I'm not complaining, there are few things I enjoy more than a wedding between two people I love.
This last weekend those two people were Starlee and Colby. They have only been dating as along as I have known Star (about 8 or 9 years now), so it was about time that they sealed the deal, and I feel lucky to have been included in the festivities.
Other than the temple ceremony itself, my favorite part about a wedding is the fact that I have a reason to spend all day with my best friends, no excuses.
After completing our maiden duties (I was in charge of balloons, explanation for the picture below), we all sat around a beautifully decorated table, with delicious crepes, and talked. Is there anything better?

Another wedding down, and only 4-5 more to go.

 Getting the balloons was quite a feat. 

Starlee was such a beautiful bride.

PS, weddings wouldn't be half as fun without this guy.

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